

Applicant for restructuring protection allowance – sign up as a job-seeker with the TE Office in time

The new restructuring protection package for those aged 55 and over has become available on 1 January 2023. If you satisfy the eligibility criteria for the new restructuring protection package, you are entitled to a restructuring protection allowance. The restructuring protection allowance is equivalent to one month’s salary. Members of unemployment funds apply for the allowance through their unemployment fund, and others apply for it from Kela. Your unemployment fund will pay your restructuring protection allowance as long as you were a member of the fund on the date on which your contract was terminated, even if you had not been a member for long enough to qualify for an earnings-related allowance.  

Sign up with the TE Office no later than 60 days after your termination

Please note that before applying for a restructuring protection allowance, you must sign up as a job-seeker with the TE Office. Make sure to sign up with the TE Office no later than 60 days after your termination. The time of termination refers to the date on which you were given notice of your termination. The TE Office examines whether you qualify for a restructuring protection package and issues a statement to your unemployment fund.  

How do I apply for a restructuring protection allowance?

To apply for a restructuring protection allowance, you will need to submit a written application to your unemployment fund. You can submit your application to us as soon as you have received notice of your termination. In other words, you do not have to wait until the end of your employment. You can submit your application online via our eService or send the application form and your supporting documents to us by post. You will find the application form under Forms. You will receive a decision on your restructuring protection allowance once we have processed your application. Please note that you must apply for your allowance within three months of the end of your employment or you will lose your entitlement.  

More information

More information on how to apply for a restructuring protection allowance, go to Applying for a restructuring protection allowance. Read more about Who can receive a restructuring protection allowance?