

Timetable for legislative reforms

Several legislative reforms related to unemployment security will enter into force in 2024. The legislative reforms are intended to enter into force in stages, with the first changes to take effect on 1 January 2024. The table below lists the legislative reforms whose timetable is currently known. The timetable and exact content of the reforms will be specified during the autumn. We will monitor the legislative process and update the information as the drafting of the reforms progresses.  
Current situation After the legislative reform Effective from
At the start of unemployment, there is a five-day waiting period during which earnings-related unemployment allowance is not paid. At the start of unemployment, there is a seven-day waiting period during which earnings-related unemployment allowance is not paid. 1 January 2024, the amendment has been approved by the Parliament.
Holiday bonus for unused days of holiday does not affect earnings-related unemployment allowance. Holiday bonus for unused days of holiday does not affect earnings-related unemployment allowance. 1 January 2024, the amendment has been approved by the Parliament.
Unemployment security increases at the turn of the year as a result of the national pensions index tied to consumer prices. The amount of unemployment security will not change even if prices rise. 1 January 2024, the amendment has been approved by the Parliament.
A child supplement of 150 to 285 euros per month is paid for children under the age of 18. No child supplements are paid. 1 April 2024, the amendment has been approved by the Parliament.
If you are unemployed, you can earn 300 euros per month without this affecting your earnings-related allowance. Earnings-related unemployment allowance is reduced by 50% of earnings that exceed the 300-euro exempt amount. The exempt amount is removed, and earned income reduces earnings-related unemployment allowance by 50% for each euro earned. 1 April 2024, the amendment has been approved by the Parliament.
Employees have the option to take job alternation leave from work for up to six months. The job alternation leave system is abolished. 1 August 2024, the amendment has been approved by the Parliament.
The amount of earnings-related unemployment allowance is the same throughout the maximum days of allowance. Earnings-related unemployment allowance decreases
  • to 80% of the initial amount after the first eight weeks of unemployment (about two months), and
  • to 75% of the initial amount after 34 weeks of unemployment (about eight months).
2 September 2024, the amendment has been approved by the Parliament.
75% of hours worked in pay subsidy work can be counted towards the employment requirement. To meet the employment requirement, you need to have worked in pay subsidy work for at least 35 weeks. Working in pay subsidy work does not earn you the right to earnings-related unemployment allowance. Subsidised work extends the review period during which the employment requirement must be satisfied. 2 September 2024, the amendment has been approved by the Parliament.
The current rules guarantee a minimum earnings-related allowance for claimants aged 58 years and older. The Government is proposing to abolish the guarantee. Under the new rules, these claimants, too, would have their earnings-related allowance recalculated if their earnings decrease. 2 September 2024, the amendment has been approved by the Parliament.
Local authorities currently have a statutory obligation to offer work to unemployed job-seekers aged 57 years and older in certain circumstances. The Government is proposing to abolish this statutory employment obligation. 2 September 2024, the amendment has been approved by the Parliament.
The current rules make it possible for claimants aged 60 years and older to satisfy the employment requirement by enrolling in services promoting employment in some circumstances. The Government is proposing to change the rules so that enrolment in services that promote employment would no longer count towards satisfying the employment requirement. 2 September 2024, the amendment has been approved by the Parliament.
You can receive earnings-related unemployment allowance after you have worked for six months while being a member of an unemployment fund. You can receive earnings-related unemployment allowance after you have worked for one year while being a member of an unemployment fund. 2 September 2024, the amendment has been approved by the Parliament.
You can receive earnings-related unemployment allowance if you have worked 18 hours a week for six months. You can receive earnings-related unemployment allowance if you have earned a minimum monthly salary or wages for one year. 2 September 2024, the amendment has been approved by the Parliament.

More information

You can read more about the legislative reforms to unemployment security in our earlier press release on Impacts of the new Government Programme on unemployment security. Further information on the legislative reforms can also be found in the Government Programme: A strong and committed Finland and from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health's project pages: STM048:00/2023
  • Extension of the employment requirement and changing its calculation to be based on earned income
  • Exempt amount
  • Child supplements
  • Waiting period
  • Postponing effect of holiday bonuses on the right to earnings-related unemployment allowance
  • Gradual decrease of earnings-related unemployment allowance
  • Age-based exceptions
  • Meeting the employment requirement in pay subsidy work
  • Suspension of index-linked increases
  Updated 20 June 2024