

Unemployment Fund Aaria’s Meeting of the Council of Representatives

The meeting will take place on Wednesday 25 May 2022 starting at 4:30 p.m. The meeting will be held online using Microsoft Teams. Representatives of the member communities will receive a separate link via email to attend the meeting. The agenda of the meeting will include all of the matters mentioned in section 13 of the fund’s rules including supplementing the board with one member and their personal deputy. On the agenda is also the merging of the Electrical Workers’ unemployment fund into Unemployment Fund Aaria starting from 1 January 2023. In addition to these, we will discuss changes to the transitional provisions in section 29 of the fund’s rules. The Council of Representatives has been elected in 2021 for a three-year term from 2021 to 2024. Based on the number of members as of 31 December 2020, member communities may send representatives to the meeting of the council of representatives as follows:
number of representatives
Jyty member community 18
Municipal administration member community 3
Agriculture, sea and forestry member community 5
Police, rescue and emergency services member community 8
Healthcare member community 3
Government administration member community 11
General member community 7
The following documents are on view at the fund’s offices from 10 May to 24 May 2022: 1.    The fund’s financial report and financial statements for 2021 2.    Audit report 3.    Unemployment Fund Aaria’s rules 4.    Merger agreement 5.    The Board’s report on the merger project 6.    Copies of the documents on the financial statements and the auditors’ statements Office address: Opastinsilta 8 B, 4th floor, 00520 Helsinki. If the member community makes changes to the representatives, certified minutes of the community meetings shall be submitted by Tuesday 26 April 2022 via email to At the same time, the email address and phone number of meeting representatives should be stated.   Helsinki, 22 March 2022 Board of Unemployment Fund Aaria